Monday, July 5, 2010

The anti-propaganda...

The German Fuhrer from 1933 - 1945, Adolf Hitler, and the Nazi party, did many great things for the German people, and Germany as a whole - which set a standard for many nations to follow.

Such examples of thing, along with great traits of Hitler, and some of his remarkable achievements include;

- Between 1933 and 1939, the marriage rate had increased by 9.2%

-Hitler turned around an economy

- Hitler set up a health insurance scheme for all Germans that only cost 10 cents per person per day that would fund the whole health sector. People paid for what they used, hence no one could complain about unfair taxes.

- Nazi Germany was one of the only countries not to deny women the right to vote during war time

- Hitler enacted the first laws to protect animals from cruelty which afforded them protection in line with what humans received, this law existed till the late 1970's till it was renamed in an effort
to de-Nazify Germany

- Nazi Germany provided unlimited money towards an alternative fuel source other than oil by investing in synthetic petrol and electric power generation

- Hitler also invested in anti-gravity theories.

- Hitler invested heavily into rocket technology, the A-10 rocket was used as the basis for the launch of
the Sputnic satellite after WW2

- Outlawed medical experimentation on animals.

- He undertook a war against the Communist horde that no major power in the world would do, or has done yet by the way.

- He put the power of the state in the hands of an all German state instead of the Jews.

- His Nazi party was one of the first to start a war on cancer.

- Under his leadership the first blood tests were given to drivers that were under the influence of Alcohol.

- The party, under Hitler's command, encouraged family morals, motherhood, fatherhood, respect and honor.

- Hitler was actually a believer in women's rights and wanted to help abused and disenfranchised women. Hence the motherhood programs came into place.

- He was an environmentalist seeking to protect nature clean air, water.

- Brave and decorated soldier of WW1

- Artist, lover of the Arts, both Classical music and Architecture.

- He envisioned the Autobahn and Volkswagen.

- Gave the German workers the first May Day.

- Under "Strength Through Joy" gave paid vacation trips to workers.
It is also worthy to note, that Nazi government funded German scientists during WWII developed the first Jet Engine, the first guided missile/rocker...these technologies and the scientists who created them were stolen by the invading Americans (from the West) and loathed Russians (from the East). These technoligies such as commercial jet planes which we enjoy todaym and of course the rocket technology that led to man setting foot on the moon, are thanks to the Third Reich.

Every prediction you made in Mein Kampf about the jews has become a reality in following years and decades.

So, I say proudly - long live Hitler! Your legacy will outlive the Jewish censorship and propaganda, for curious minds will search beyond this and find the truth about you, a noble man with vision. Visionaries like Hitler only come along once every few generations. You made a great difference to the world as we know it today, unfortunatley - further progress must be made, and it will be.

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