Thursday, June 24, 2010

You've come a long way, baby.

 Virginia Slims: 1997 advert from the U.S.  This cigarette brand only marketed to woman, conveying feminism and equality.

So, Australia finally catches up to the rest of the developed world (bar the US), we now have a female Prime Minister. Regardless of political persuasion, What fantastic news! An inspiring day for both men and women of Australia, that the only thing stopping you from achieving what you want, if your own lack of motivation and vision.

I never much liked Kevin Rudd's leadership, and those who know me will be aware that I certainly don't like the Labor party and their way of thinking. Despite this, I feel compasison toward Kevin and the way he was, in a sense, stabbed in the back by his own colleagues and party faithful. A party strongly influenced by bog ol' union heavyweights - as is evident by the events of the last 24 hours, who wanted Rudd out (for many reasons). There is much about Kevin Rudd I don't like - but politics aside, I wish him all the best as his intentions were misguided, but he was certainly a good person with well meaning intentions.

So - in a sense, it was both a sad and great day for Australia. We saw backstabbing and deciet, yet we saw Australia take a leap out of the dark ages of sexism and show that we can join the likes of Britain, Germany, NZ, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many other countries in having a female take the top job. Lets see lots more women taking the helm in future! I'm quite sick of middle-aged over-educated males, and a woman's touch can never go astray.

So, Julia - a fantastic Australian woman, with flare, compassion, courage and political experience. Labor doesn't have my vote...but you certainly have my blessing nontheless.

You go girl!

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